Aspen Invitational Strava Challenge


Covid-19 has left an indelible mark on all of us and we have chosen to pivot to make the most of our new normal. If we choose to look on the positive side of things, we see more people riding bikes. We see people getting outside and we see people re-evaluating what is important in their lives.

New this year, the Aspen Invitational is offering a Strava Challenge, not just for those unable to join us physically, but for those who want to link arms with us where ever you may be to make a difference. Join professional cyclists and passionate advocates around the world to bring clean water, sanitation, and hygiene to people in Zambia. To provide clean water to one person for the rest of their life who currently doesn’t have access to it, join us on Strava — an activity-based social platform — to ride in your hometown June 25 to July 11. Join for $50 and provide one person clean water for life; $300 supports a family of six. Set weekly goals to challenge yourself and encourage others and perhaps be inspired to gift clean water to another person every time a goal is met.

Throughout the month, we will award prizes (Wahoo bike computers, annual subscriptions to Sufferfest, jerseys, etc.) for various goals met and the number of friends you bring to the challenge. Join our Kickoff Call with our pro cycling guests on Thursday, June 25th at 4:00pm MST.

Register and give your $50 to provide clean water below. Once you register, we’ll follow up by email and provide a link to join our Strava community to begin engaging with like-minded cyclists around the globe to help reach our goal of providing access to clean water to every one in Zambia. 

Alana Appleby